Good Morning Message "When I saw the sun so bright"

I miss you in the morning,
I miss you all day.
Looking at the sun shine,
This is what I want to say:
May you have an awesome day today,
Keep smiling and have a good day.
Good morning

My sun shine
When I saw the sunlight
I thought about your smile
When I saw the sun so bright
I thought for a while
I am missing you this morning
Wish you a lovely morning my dear
Keep smiling to spread the cheer
Good morning

Our relationship is more than just friendship
I think we both are platonically joined at the soul
You are the most important person in my life
No one else can ever take your priceless role
Our bonding is a lot more than just smiles and laughs
Together we also sob and cry
We understand each other like no one else can
We are best friends, you and I
Good morning